Money Talks

“The Money Talks” Session Topics

How Much Does It Cost You to Live? 

This introductory session is designed to stimulate the students’ personal reflections on how they verbally describe the value of money versus what their behavior displays when it comes to their financial realities. Students will be tasked with completing their personal budgets, which will be used as a baseline going forward to measure their ability to adhere to the principles outlined in the “Money Talks” workshop series.

Financial Aid: The Real Story! 

Students will receive insight on successfully navigating the financial aid process. Participants will gain relevant knowledge to remain in compliance with program requirements.

Where Are You Putting Your Stacked Cash? 

We will convey the necessity of savings, explore the differences and advantages of various banking institutions and discuss the pros and cons of credit card usage.

Investing and Career Planning! 

We will discuss the basic concepts around investing (compound interest specifically) as a strategy to increase wealth. Additionally, we will engage in a Career Planning exercise to reinforce the importance of budgeting, while using real world scenarios to determine salary ranges based on specific career choices.

College Choices, College Costs! 

Participants will receive information regarding the financial considerations associated with selecting a college. Students will gain insight needed to make informed decisions when evaluating junior colleges, state colleges and universities, private colleges and for-profit institutions.